
SickKids Foundation is committed to the highest standards of accountability and transparency. We were among the first nationally accredited charities under Imagine Canada’s Standards Program. Click below to download SickKids Foundation’s audited financials.

SickKids Foundation - Financial Highlights - For the year ended March 31, 2024
Sources of Revenue (in Millions)Amount
Gross fundraising program, net lottery and net parking revenue$213.7 million
Total grants and charitable activity$175.1 million
Fundraising and administrative expenses$60.9 million
SickKids Foundation - Sources of Revenue - For the year ended March 31, 2024
Sources of RevenueAmount in MillionsPercentage of Total Revenue
Events$20.2 million9%
Corporate Partnerships$30.9 million14%
Direct and Digital Marketing$49.1 millon23%
Individual Giving$74.6 milion36%
Gifts & Estate Planning$31.2 million15%
Net Lottery$6.7 million3%
Net Parking$1.0 million1%
SickKids Foundation - Investment in Child Health - For the year ended March 31, 2024
Investments in Child Health (Grants and Charitable Activity in Millions)RevenuePercentage
Research$108.3 million62%
Patient Care$53.3 million30%
Education$3.6 million2%
International$3.4 million2%
National and Other$6.5 million4%
SickKids Foundation - Total Assets - For the years ended at March 31 from 2015
YearsTotal Assets in Millions
2015$1,103.6 million
2016$1,073.0 million
2017$1,185.9 million
2018$1,217.8 million
2019$1,196.1 million
2020$1,041.3 million
2021$1,359.9 million
2022$1,419.6 million
2023$1,414.9 million
2024$1,536.2 million
SickKids Foundation - Fundraising Revenue - For the years ended March 31, from 2015
YearsTotal Revenue in Millions
2015$131.3 million
2016$133.3 million
2017$136.7 million
2018$146.4 million
2019$158.6 million
2020$190.9 million
2021$169.5 million
2022$198.5 million
2023$205.2 million
2024$206 million
SickKids Foundation - Investment Returns Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024
YearsTotal Revenue in Millions
1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Inception
Annualized rate of return percentage 10.5% 5.3% 5.4% 5.7% 9.2%
Percentile ranking* Top 76% Top 84% Top 100% Top 90% Top 1%
SickKids Foundation - Investment Asset Mix - For period ending March 31, 2024
Investment AssetPercentage
Short Term13%
Canadian Equity11%
U.S. Equity8%
International Equity52%
SickKids Foundation - Report on Investments - For the year ended March 31,
Year Total value of endowment fund Rate of return for the year
2015 $959.3 million 15%
2016 $925.9 million negative 2.1%
2017 $1,013 million 11.10%
2018 $1,005.7 million 5.70%
2019 $981.7 million 0.90%
2020 $806.8 million negative 13.4%
2021 $1090.4 million 28.50%
2022 $1,113.1 million 3.20%
2023 $1,109.2 million 2.10%
2024 $1,218 million 10.5%

Source of Revenue

(in millions)

Gross fundraising program, net lottery and net parking revenue


Total grants and charitable activity (see below)


Fundraising and administrative expenses


Investments in Child Health

Grants and charitable activity (in millions)

Total Assets

(in millions)

Fundraising revenue

(in millions)

Total Assets

(in millions)

Fundraising revenue

(in millions)

Investment Management and Philosophy

Endowment funds at SickKids Foundation provide an important base of funding for child health initiatives. These funds largely consist of externally restricted contributions and internal resources, transferred by the Board of Directors, where the capital is required to be maintained intact over the long term. Each year, the Board approves the rate of payout, or distribution from the funds. The SickKids Foundation Board of Directors, through its Investment Committee, manages the Foundation’s endowed funds using a long-term, value-oriented investment philosophy.

The Committee believes that this philosophy best enables its objectives of preserving capital, enabling approved distribution (or payout), and realizing an average annual real total return after inflation of at least five per cent over a 10-year period. The Investment Committee regularly monitors the performance of the investment managers, selecting, appointing and releasing managers as required. The endowment fund continues to be among the top one per cent of performers when assessing returns since inception.


Annualized Rate of Return
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Since inception*
Annualized Rate of Return






Percentile Ranking*
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Since inception*
Percentile Ranking*

Top 76%

Top 84%

Top 100%

Top 90%

Top 1%

* Inception date March 31, 1995



Accumulated investment returns (net of payouts)
Inflation factor (CPI) to protect real value of donations
Endowed gifts

Investment Asset Mix